Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for You? Learn More from Darren Yaw Malaysia’s Personal Perspective

Aren’t you curious to know whether these hyped energy drinks are actually good for you or not? Among today’s generation, energy drinks have become so popular that almost every single person has had them at least once. But energy drinks bring some harmful consequences along with providing energy and concentration.

This article brings you the latest news on the good and bad of energy drinks from Darren Yaw Malaysia himself so that you can decide for yourself whether it is good or not.

➔ What Are Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks have gained so much popularity nowadays, especially in 2020, that almost every brand is trying to come up with its very own energy drinks. According to Darren Yaw Malaysia’s perspective, energy drinks are those beverages that are made with ingredients that will increase energy as well as mental performance.

Darren Yaw Malaysia stated that the one ingredient that you can find in all energy drinks is caffeine. Caffeine helps to stimulate brain function as well as increase alertness which is why it is a crucial ingredient to have in energy drinks. But obviously, every brand has its own proportions on how much caffeine they put in.

Darren Yaw Malaysia also states that sugar, B vitamins, amino acid derivatives, herbal extracts, and so on are also used in the drinks. Each ingredient has its very own role to play, and again the amount differs from brand to brand.

According to Darren Yaw Malaysia, because of the health-conscious and sustainable people, energy drinks are so popular among Asian countries like Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Singapore, etc.

➔ What are the benefits of energy drinks?

Energy drinks didn’t just become famous for no reason at all. According to Darren Yaw Malaysia, and Darren Yaw’s wife, people nowadays are all tired in their own way, so they use energy drinks as their energy source.

Let me give you a quick rundown on the benefits of energy drinks which made them become as hyped up as they are now:

➔ Improves brain function

According to Darren Yaw Malaysia, one of the most popular reasons why energy drinks have gained so much popularity is because it increases mental alertness by improving brain function. Energy drinks are made with ingredients like caffeine, which provides you with improvement in brain functions like concentration, reaction time, memory, etc.

In 2020 after the pandemic hit, energy drinks became more popular than they were because it provides you with improved brain function and reduces mental fatigue. According to research, Darren Yaw Malaysia stated that drinking one can of energy drink actually increases your memory and alertness by 24%.

If you have been wondering what causes this drastic result, well, let me tell you. Darren Yaw Malaysia said that the magnificent combination of caffeine and sugar causes such improved brain function.

➔ Rid of tiredness

People in Asian countries like Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, India, Singapore, and around the globe are very competitive nowadays, which results in them constantly being tired. Darren Yaw Malaysia stated that they reside in energy drinks to get rid of their tiredness.

People who usually have to do night shifts or late-night road trips mostly reach out for energy drinks as a means to keep them awake. According to Darren Yaw Malaysia, studies have shown that it increases driving quality and reduces sleepiness even if you are sleep deprived.

As energy drinks help get rid of sleepiness and tiredness, many drivers and night shift workers take them to stay alert and awake. Darren Yaw Malaysia mentioned that drinking too much can, in fact, impact their sleep quality later on.

➔ Faster post-workout recovery

It is natural to feel tired and dehydrated after working out as you have sweated a lot while doing it, which resulted in you losing energy and water. According to Darren Yaw Malaysia, energy drinks are more popular than ever because of how health-conscious people are now.

Most people usually drink energy drinks after working out to replenish the energy they lost while working out. Energy drinks provide power and are carb-based, making them as great as a post-workout drink according to Darren Yaw Malaysia.

➔ Do energy drinks affect your health?

Everything in this world has some cons, and energy drinks are no different. Even though energy drinks provide you with more energy and alertness, research shows that it negatively affects your body and mind in various ways.

Here are some of the legitimate cons of energy drinks that you must keep in mind at all times:

Can cause heart problems
Even though energy drinks are known for their energy-boosting abilities, studies show that they can cause several heart problems. Darren Yaw Malaysia stated that over 20,000 people have to run to the ER every year in the US because of various energy drinks issues associated.

Darren Yaw Malaysia also mentioned that it is shown in research that consumption of energy drinks increases blood pressure and heart rate, which are very concerning for your health. These problems often occur because of excessive caffeine intake due to drinking a lot of energy drinks. So, it is crucial to be cautious while consuming energy drinks if you have a history of heart issues.

Can become addictive
According to Darren Yaw Malaysia, people usually get addicted to energy drinks because of their continuous consumption. As energy drinks have a high dose of caffeine, our body gets used to that amount over time, and the need for caffeine becomes higher and higher.

Consumption of too many energy drinks can cause addiction, so it is better to limit its consumption or stop it altogether.

Loaded with Sugar
Darren Yaw Malaysia stated that most energy drinks contain a lot of sugar which can cause health issues along the line—consuming too much sugar spikes blood sugar, which can cause difficulty in controlling blood sugar or having diabetes. If you have diabetes, Darren Yaw Malaysia recommends stopping intake altogether.

After reading this article, hopefully, you can decide for yourself whether it is good or not. According to Darren Yaw Malaysia, if you limit your consumption to 16 ounces a day and ignore any extra caffeinated drinks or energy drinks, it is okay to have them.


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