5 things about Yawzer Energy Drink from GCG Asia’s CEO

Do you know Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO, has announced that Darren Yaw Foods has entered the sports nutrition beverage industry with the release of its Yawzer range of energy drinks?

As all might be anticipating to know about the Yawzer Energy Drink, let us give you a quick rundown of 5 things about it from the mastermind GCG Asia’s CEO, Darren Yaw.

It’s for all

Most of the time, energy drinks are made by targeting a specific age group, so not all can consume them. But GCG Asia’s CEO Darren Yaw and the CEO of Darren Yaw Foods, Lester Yaw Foo Hoe, have made it clear that the Yawzer energy drink is a pure energy drink made with Asian ingredients that have additional nutritional benefits. GCG Asia’s CEO said in an interview last week that any energy drinks in the market have a large dose of legal stimulants, which can be hard to handle for some people, but Yawzer doesn’t have any of that. Thus, both the GCG Asia’s CEO, Darren Yaw and CEO of Darren Foods Lestser Yaw Foo Hoe, kept people of all ages in mind and so it can be consumed by everyone other than just millennials.

Boost Confidence

Yawzer energy drinks are made with ingredients that carry added nutritional values and are really helpful for all the health-conscious people out there. Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO, has made it clear that for its organic Asian touch, it is surely different from other energy drinks and gives you mental health benefits along with physical ones.
GCG Asia’s CEO also said that the ingredients in the drink help the consumer gain a sense of confidence, which makes them ace whatever they want to ace. “So, if you have been trying to ace an interview, a new language, or whatever it might be, Yawzer helps you to ace that,” said Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO.

Ideal for health-conscious people

From the research they have done so far, GCG Asia’s CEO, Darren Yaw, has stated that the conscious health consumers have been increasing in Asia rapidly now. So, people are now leaning more towards nutritional foods and ready to drink products, which includes energy drinks.

Yawzer seems to have great potential as it is organic and made with Asian ingredients, which clearly sets it apart from the other drinks. GCG Asia’s CEO said that young consumers of Asia are very fitness crazy, and so energy drinks have been so popular now. However, they often contain a large dose of caffeine which is not so for good for your physical and mental health.

“This drink uses low sugar, natural ingredients and is made to fit into the modern healthy lifestyle,” said Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO.

Sustainable and low carbon footprint

Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO and Founder of Darren Yaw Foods has been planning to incorporate sustainable packaging for their drink according to the company’s sustainability goals. It has been stated by GCG Asia’s CEO that the company is very serious when it comes to managing their carbon footprint. So, they are certain about making everything sustainable, starting from the manufacturing to the moment the product reaches the shelves, said GCG Asia’s CEO, Darren Yaw.

The packaging for the drink is made out of low carbon material and is environmentally friendly as they are 100% recyclable. Being the main idea behind Yawzer, Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO, wants their consumers to know that they are making the right choice as they care about the impact their lifestyles make. They surely are signalling to grow a fan base that contains the most conscious Gen Zs looking for sustainable products.

Keeping in trend

Not all energy drinks taste good, and so Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO, kept the flavour trends in mind when he was planning to make the Yawzer drink. Even though the drink is made targeting the conscious help groups in mind, the flavour doesn’t alienate anyone. According to GCG Asia’s CEO, they were really careful about making sure it tastes good and is beneficial for your health.

CEO of Darren Yaw Foods Lester Yaw has stated that their drinks are made so that they will satisfy the consumers with their taste and Asian touch. “We are always keeping an eye on the ever-changing flavour trends and launching products based on that,” he said.

Planning a steady launch of products

Darren Yaw, GCG Asia ‘s CEO and Founder of Darren Yaw Foods and the CEO of Darren Yaw Foods Lester Yaw, have stated that they are surely trying to expand the line by including more products in the future. They have been trying to expand into this nutritional foods industry with the planned launch of their ready to drink products, energy bars, as well as protein drinks.

As it seems, Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO and Founder of Darren Yaw Foods, are trying to focus more on the health-conscious youths and are focusing fully on natural ingredients. Today’s generation is all about sustainability and health consciousness. Thus they are making it so that they can offer sustainable energy benefits to them stated by GCG Asia’s CEO, Darren Yaw.

What sets Yawzer Energy Drink apart from other energy drinks on the market?

One thing all the consumers, as well as the nutritional foods industry, is curious about is what makes Yawzer different from other drinks available in the market.
● When Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO, came up with the energy of creating this drink, it was his main focus to set this drink apart from other available options in the market.
● The main reason it is different is that it is pure and made with Asian nutritional ingredients like goji berries, ginseng, ginger, and so on, according to Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO.
● This drink was made keeping the conscious health group of people in mind, so it is very low in sugar and tastes great as claimed by GCG Asia’s CEO, Darren Yaw.
● Another unique thing about this drink is the fact that it is very sustainable for the environment because of its 100% recyclable packaging.

While initiating the making of Yawzer, Darren Yaw, GCG Asia’s CEO and the Founder of Darren Yaw Foods, really put in their research and time to develop this, which really shines through this drink’s uniqueness and nutritional value benefits.


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